Each spring, ELC hosts an event honoring individuals and organizations for their commitment to public education. The event also serves as an important fundraiser, with contributions helping to maintain ELC as a champion of education equity and racial justice.

Last year’s Education Justice Lecture was held virtually on Wednesday, June 5th. Details about the event are here.

Previous Education Justice Lecture presenters have included John Brittain, Civil Rights Litigator and Professor; Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, President & CEO of the Learning Policy Institute; Dr. Jeannie Oakes, Distinguished Scholar and Educator; Dr. Michelle Fine, Distinguished Professor from the City University of New York; Lily Eskelsen Garcia, President of the National Education Association; Marian Wright Edelman, Founder and President of the Children’s Defense Fund; Dr. Pedro Noguera; Wade Henderson, President of the Leadership Conference for Human and Civil Rights; Diane Ravitch, noted educator and New York University Professor; Benjamin Todd Jealous, former President and Chief Executive Officer of the NAACP; and Kurt Landgraf of ETS.

For more information about our annual Education Justice Lecture, please contact Kaitlyn Comesañas, ELC Program Assistant, at 973.624.1815, ext. 110, or kcomesanas@edlawcenter.org.