
ELC advocates for equal and high quality education for the nation’s public school children. While recognizing a family’s right to private schooling, ELC opposes any diversion of public funds to pay for, or otherwise support, private and religious education.

For up-to-date information on ELC’s vouchers work, please visit our News page.

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Advocacy & Litigation

In 2019, ELC, in partnership with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the SPLC Action Fund, launched a nationwide campaign, Public Funds Public Schools (PFPS), to fight private school vouchers and ensure public funds are dedicated to educating the millions of students in public schools across the country.

PFPS deploys multiple strategies to combat the diversion of taxpayer dollars to private schools. These strategies include filing and supporting lawsuits; disseminating research on the impact and outcomes of voucher programs; and supporting parents, students, educators, and concerned communities advocating to keep taxpayer dollars in their public schools.

In addition to filing and participating in lawsuits challenging voucher laws, PFPS closely monitors legislative proposals in the states to start new voucher programs or expand existing ones. Recognizing that advocates across the country are organizing to fight for public schools, PFPS aims to support and supplement those efforts. 


Visitors to the PFPS website can access information about voucher proposals in their states during legislative sessions. Voucher research and news about advocacy campaigns is also available, along with information about previous and current lawsuits.

To stay up-to-date on the work of PFPS, please subscribe to our electronic news releases here.

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As a nonprofit organization, ELC relies on the generous contributions of individuals, corporations and foundations to support our work.

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