ELC “Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities” Publication Now Available in Spanish

Planificación de la transición de estudiantes con discapacidades conforme a la Ley Educativa para Personas con Discapacidad
In an effort to provide increased access to information about special education, the Education Law Center publication, “Transition Planning Under IDEA for Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Advocates,” has been translated into Spanish:
The guide contains essential information for parents, caregivers and advocates working to secure a free, appropriate public education for students with disabilities that prepares them for productive and independent adult lives. It addresses the critical planning and services that must occur to help students with disabilities move successfully from school to the adult world, as required by federal law.
The guide explains the basics about transition planning and provides practical examples. Also included are several appendices of valuable resources and information about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act amendment to federal law.
“We believe the translation of ELC’s transition guide into Spanish fills an existing resource gap for an underserved segment of New Jersey’s special education population,” said Elizabeth Athos, ELC Senior Attorney. “ELC serves a significant number of families in which the primary language of the parent, guardian, or caregiver is Spanish, and we are pleased this publication will now be accessible to these families.”
The guide is part of the “Know Your Rights” manuals ELC publishes to provide comprehensive information and tools for advocates working to enforce the legal rights to education of public school students.
The translation was funded with a grant from the New Jersey State Bar Foundation.
Press Contact:
Sharon Krengel
Director of Policy, Strategic Partnerships and Communications
973-624-1815, x240