Statement of Education Law Center Executive Director Robert Kim on the Nomination of Linda McMahon as Secretary of Education

The position of United States Secretary of Education is a vitally important one, both substantively and symbolically. The selection of the individual to assume this role demonstrates to both Americans and the world the value our nation places on education and our nearly 50 million public K-12 and 19 million postsecondary students.
At a minimum, the Secretary of Education must support and respect the role of the U.S. Department of Education in fostering learning, assisting disadvantaged students, supporting state and local systems of public preK-12 education, and ensuring equitable access to postsecondary schools and diverse career pathways. The Secretary must also champion educators and the teaching profession and protect the civil rights of students and families.
Very serious questions have arisen regarding the qualifications and fitness of Linda McMahon, the current nominee for this critical role. On behalf of this nation’s children and educators, Education Law Center urges the U.S. Senate to fulfill its constitutional duty of “advice and consent” by thoroughly investigating the nominee’s background and experience and determining her suitability for the very weighty role for which she is being proposed.
Public education is the cornerstone of American democracy. We must reject a White House agenda – and any nominee – seeking to eliminate or weaken federal programs that support millions of students and families in every state, territory, and district in our nation. Our children deserve a leader who will strengthen and support their future learning opportunities and has the knowledge and character to earn the respect of our nation and the world.
Press Contact:
Sharon Krengel
Director of Policy, Strategic Partnerships and Communications
973-624-1815, x240